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发布时间:2022-07-28 作者:济南贴客量子膜 文章来源:http://www.tiekemoshe.com/ 浏览量:0

Many car owners have many questions about the invisible car clothes. Here are some more questions for you.
1. What is the use of sticking invisible car clothes?
The answer is no doubt. Is it useless to spend so much money? The invisible car coat is used to maintain the original car paint, which will not be affected by external factors, such as slight collision, insect corpse, bird droppings, acid rain, metal oxide erosion, which can also improve the chromaticity of the car body, improve the stripping water solubility and oil solubility of the car paint, which can be said to do more with one stone
2. How much is the car? It's suitable to stick invisible car clothes
This is uncertain. Don't say that all high-end cars must wear the brand of invisible car clothes, and don't say that all faulty cars can't be pasted. I've seen more than one million cars wear the clothes and pants of one or two thousand invisible cars, and I've seen 500000 cars wear thousands of cars. In fact, there is no standard, and the main thing is more reasonable maintenance. Whether to stick the car clothes or not has nothing to do with the car price.
3. Do you still need to wash the car after pasting the invisible car coat?
There is no doubt that you need to wash it. This is the same as everyone usually wears clothes and pants and takes a bath and washes bed sheets. No matter how good items are maintained, the better your usual maintenance is, and the better the actual effect it will have on you. The maintenance of invisible car clothes is also very simple. Under normal circumstances, two to three months after pasting invisible car clothes, carry out a perfect beauty and skin care car wash, The invisible car clothes can be maintained almost completely *, so that the maintenance of the invisible car clothes to the car body will be longer.
4. Is the commercial insurance of invisible car clothes compensated?
This problem is the concern of many car buyers. If it is a third-party accident liability, you can obtain a claim. Show the car insurance company the formal invoice of the car clothes and the list of warranty period. If it is your own obligation, then you have to pay for it yourself.
5. People who stick invisible car clothes are all stupid. Is there much money?
Some people think it's useless to stick car clothes. Only rich people stick them, and only luxury cars stick them. As for what should be stuck on my little donkey car, I feel that sticking car clothes is definitely not an article of daily life, but there is no need to put on its multi-faceted color changing glasses. To understand that the damage to car paint is related to physical damage and organic chemical damage, and these two categories are exactly what invisible car clothes can prevent.
In the end, it is suggested that car buyers should choose reliable well-known brands and stores to stick invisible car clothes. They don't have to buy unknown cheap invisible car clothes for a temporary cost-effective. Not only does it not have the effect of maintenance, but it will make your original car paint worse and worse, which will be a waste of money
The above is a detailed introduction of Jinan quantum film. I hope it can help you. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will provide services for you with a professional attitude http://www.tiekemoshe.com/
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